#3) Voyager


Hi Bella, 

This is a less boring way to describe the same thing...

Imagine a dot..

Take a pencil and draw a dot so dark that you go over it many many many times. It's solid dark; no trace of the paper underneath shows through. It is so dark because it is full. So full that all the space inside is packed. No empty space is left. 

(Some music might help. 😊 Listen to this when you read: https://vimeo.com/111322369)

Floating in a shoreless void... In the silence of absolute nothingness, this lone dot blows up. Like spectacular fireworks that fill the sky, it blows up into a giant rainbow made of different shapes. Shapes slowly turn into forms. Forms into life. Flowers. Trees. Animals. Man. Woman. Living in worlds that circle giant fire balls in the sky. Billions upon and billions of stars each the size of countless mountains; yet appear to our eyes like pin pricks in the darkness of night. The magic of it all... The majesty of it all.

As it continues to blow out like a gigantic balloon - each second larger than the last in exponential order - the universe breeds life in its cosmic womb. From tiny, simple single-cell amoeba to eventually us - animals with conscious awareness of its own existence -  contemplating our own place inside this big picture. 

Let's come back closer to home. To something we find not in stars but on our planet - a river. Imagine this river to be made of the stuff the dot spews out. This river is cosmically wide as the Amazon on earth is wide. Water flows through it calmly in parts, and races tempestuously in others. This river contains you, me and everything else.. 

The river stretches for what seems an eternity. It weaves through castles and kings. It passes under stars of different ages. It flows by all the constructs and buildings of man. And on it flows..

On this river there is a boat. It is traveling upstream against the current. You can notice this small boat - with decided determination - is heading for some place, battling the incoming tide. Relentless, incessant, unyielding currents race against the boat like wind under a bird's wing - lifting it. 

On this boat, there are 2 people on it..

What happens to them? Tell you next time. ;-)