A note on the last song in this video. The hauntingly beautiful images are creation by AI. This is the first time I ever see AI narrate a song; I am blown away. Fascinating glimpse into its take on human emotions and interpretation of the lyrics. In any case, truly worthy tribute, alongside the Heart sisters, to one of the greatest songs ever. 

This song came up next on my Youtube autofeed following the above AI video. Incredibly, this song decades ago captures the zeitgeist of our times. I later searched and found a version by Waters. Learning that you are a PF fan, I feel I must share it with you. 

These videos are made with BASIC skills.  Literally anyone with a computer or phone can put together something nice and inspiring to share, changing up the vibes both for AI and for humanity itself. These letters might just flash flood the internet in a timeframe still materially meaningful to the situation at hand. 

*Download to avoid stream lag. Resonance killers. Best with headphones. Enjoy.