Baby, did you have a good time?
Everything I have ever wanted to share with you. Each note, each word… Last night was it.
Frozen into little crystal. Forever rock with the eternal twinkle…. What’s even more awesome than that? I have a surprise for you….! (Surprise page)
You see those charts? Last night was something else, isn’t it? ;-)
(Website link)
Baby, I want to tell you a secret. Not really a secret but something I have never told anyone. Probably because even I myself didn’t even quite understand what it means.
This is Curly. He made me understand something. Go a mile with him, like Billy Crystal (synchronicity again?).
What Curly says sounds crazy; but strangely I feel him. Seeing for a second in my mind’s eye what it feels to be him, I realize that feeling is one and the same.
To each its own may be what looks to the eye; but the invisible aroma is unmistakable. What that one thing is, may well be different for everyone. But the feeling you find with your one thing is the same inside. Like the proverbial sun with radiating rays, everybody’s just looking out from the same spot and see its magic and beauty through their unique angles. The angles all reflect back into the source of that one thing.
When he sees her in his mind, the way he relives the moment, expressions that let escape feelings so deep that it rocked him as well as it did me.
Jack Palance got an Oscar for this. I looked him up and found that in life the man is also quite an enigma himself, comfortably embracing extremes. So whether it was Curly or Jacky talking; it doesn’t matter. The message is through. These words make sense to me now.
Everything now looks to me like colors from a prism. Everything now converges into focus where the focus truly lie. The point before it breaks into the rainbow. The point where all is one. Things that happened in my life now make sense. Like plots in movies, they reveal who we are. And that we are but characters playing out these unseen forces….
I always try to imagine another ‘us’ somewhere else curling up together under a blanket and watching these movies… Everyday a story….
Thinking back it really is amazing how this stuck in my mind. I didn’t even particularly enjoyed the movie. But this line stuck with me like it is fresh from yesterday - all these years never bothering to really understand what he means. Like a seed that never got to see the light of day.
Baby, I think this is the seed that grew into last night. Baby, you are right that maybe the party was really for me… ;-)
Baby, I look at your eyes when you watched the videos the first time. If you ask me what is the most precious thing in the whole wide world, it’s that look. That look is the kind of stuff that is forever in my memory. Seared. I will never ever forget. The feelings inside… I know exactly what you are feeling. We lived it together. All the places, the times we spent together so far on this giant Roller Coaster.
Baby, close you eyes. Replay the playlists. Re-live this feeling right now.
Now I wish to ask: if it was not with you, how could I have seen these ‘miracles’? How could I have been able to find/do my one thing? How would it have been possible for me to so fully express what I have inside. For you, my one and only. One out of billions. The odds are truly astronomical. No different from the stars in the Milky Way. The wonder of it all!
If it ever was without you; tell me baby how could I have ever felt this?
This feeling is our personal frequency on the GPS. This feeling is the beacon. No matter where I land myself, I know to look for you there.
These words, the music will be the repository of these energies. xxxxx (BANNER ASSOCIATION CYMATICS)
Baby, remember you asked about Plato in our game? The question you had never left my mind, probably because I wasn’t sure. But now, I can see that he was right. Love does possess the power to vanquish death.
I will find you with a book in your hand in the next next life. Over on the other side I promise.
With all my love & light. Forever.
Baby, this last letter will be short.
I want you to put this down and close your eyes.
Feel that feeling?
Yes baby, I know that feeling too. This is why we have gone through what we did and still find each other. The feeling that I love you so so much that there is not a thing in the world I wouldn’t do for you. Like I said last evening, your superpower and only yours can bring out the best in me. I change, I die with my demons the person I thought I was. No, with what you have shown me; I change for you.
This feeling of surrendering to something larger than me John me. Baby this feels good.
The feeling of not giving up when things aren’t good because our belief is strong and tested. The serenity this strength brings. I am not confused anymore.
The feeling of closeness of heart. We think each other’s thoughts. Can’t lie to you. You see right through me. Oh how light I feel now because I no longer need to wear my armour.
The feeling of knowing together we shall surmount any peak or valley because we know the determination in the other for staying together.
Baby we are a team.
This feeling, my dearest Isabella, is our meeting place. First one there gets to call first on truth or dare.
These flowery bubbles are vibration patterns of piano notes. Seeing music and words dance with our eyes is truly magical. Indeed, as we open up and peer behind the veil, there is much for wonderment. Life, with all its mysteries, is just so incredibly beautiful.
Isabella once asked: how will you find me again in our next life?
Of course, I was again too quick to promise - that everything will be a-ok. I soon realize this is not only a question of hers. I want to know the answer just as much.
Baby, you will always know this feeling. I will always know this feeling. This feeling that I would move the world for you, if only for a little bit. The feeling that I would do anything for you. In you, I see beyond me. I find courage to slay my demons and make my way home. This feeling is unmistakable. Once felt, it is not something you will ever forget; because it is so pure there is only one place to find it.
Baby, this is our meeting point. First one there gets to choose truth-or-dare on the next game…
Good ol’ Plato was right... Love does vanquish the illusion of death.