Baby, this last letter will be short.
I want you to put this down and close your eyes.
See that feeling?
Yes baby, I know that feeling too. This is why we have gone through what we did and still find each other. The feeling that I love you so so much that there is not a thing in the world I wouldn’t do for you. Like I said last evening, your superpower and only yours can bring out the best in me. I change, I die with my demons the person I thought I was. No, with what you have shown me; I change for you.
This feeling of surrendering to something larger than me John me. Baby this feels good.
The feeling of not giving up when things aren’t good because our belief is strong and tested. The serenity this strength brings. I am not confused anymore.
The feeling of closeness of heart. We think each other’s thoughts. Can’t lie to you. You see right through me. Oh how light I feel now because I no longer need to wear my armour.
The feeling of knowing together we shall surmount any peak or valley because we know the determination in the other for staying together.
Baby we are a team.
This feeling, my dearest Isabella, is our meeting place. First one there gets to call first on truth or dare.