IN THE BEGINNING in the Big Black, Spirit stirs. At once, waves run over the perfect calm. In the Sea of The InFinite, a destiny is being written...



Once ‘pon a Time in the Eons of Remembrance, the Seeress speaks. The ageless prophecy told by those who come before is under way. The Seeress senses that time is near.


The stars, moon and the sun chart out a map in the sky. The course points to Paradiso - a pale blue dot out by the Milky Way. Legends tell of a world of indescribable beauty. There, water falls from clouds and snowflakes with colors of the rainbow fill the skies.


Know Thyself

Know Thyself


Under the Words of Elders, the Council of Four convenes to offer the odds, but her heart knows a different math. As the next moon sets behind the rising sun, off the Seeress goes - on an adventure of lifetimes.



In the legends, on the pale blue dot lives a man who’s found Happiness. Him, the Seeress knows is the one she must see. 

On a boat floated on crystals, she crosses the Great Big River. During the day, she follows the sun. At night the constellation of Faithful White Mane guides her every step of the way.

As the horizon nears, the Seeress has a dream. The past and future melt into one. Above, the starry night turns to soft, glowing light. In the glow she sees him. And in his eyes, the Seeress sees her own reflection.

He comes before her, looks deep into her eyes and sings...



Once more the sky opens up. Side by side, the two fly in the lightness of the wind.