As the story goes: the 100th monkey gets smart and learns to wash fruits by the beach; and so all others on the island get it...
Flocks of birds swarm as one in murmuration...
Clearly, some ‘thing’ is there connecting the animals - allowing consciousness to flow through from one to all, and all back to the one...
How cool is that?!
The Cosmos surely has a way of flaunting her secrets through splendiferous beauty. These incredible images reveal the unseen force at work in the shaping of things at the smallest and grandest of scales.
From the human cell to star clusters and everything in between, the cosmos is connected in ways immeasurably more miraculous than that which meets the eye.
The universe is like one big tree. As its branches reach skyward, its roots sink into the depths. On each and every level - at the microscopic, human, and cosmic - the signature of the miraculous is one and the same.
The age-old axiom “As above, so below.” is played out through creation’s resonance to a kind of blueprint.
So, is this what destiny looks like?