Talkin' Bout A Revolution
LAST TIME humanity had a real revolution was 500 years ago. ‘Nic’ turned the whole worldview on its head in one fell swoop, taking down everything else that stood on its foundation of sand for the previous, ummm, 2000 or so years. Recognized as probably the single most important turning point for the history of science and philosophy, it’s not a stretch to say the Copernican Revolution fundamentally changed the way we think about our place in the Cosmos. Nic certainly earned some serious bragging rights.
Above, the 2 swirly diagrams are orbital models of the solar system. The mess on the right is the unenlightened version and surely inspires much head-scratching. The one on the left - courtesy of Nic - demonstrates with timeless elegance what another scientific giant Sir Newton so wisely remarked: “Truth is ever to be found in simplicity.”
Another revolution is on the horizon. Exciting new findings with paradigm-shattering potential in the area of consciousness science are demanding new ways for us to see ourselves, life, reality and the whole enchilada... I am willing to wager this time around we will also come face to face with the same maxim and realize that, quite simply, all is indeed one.