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Baby, this is the hardest letter I have ever had to write. Think of the 108 before as prelude for this. They put what I am going to say into perspective. Things are about to enter into a different chapter. You can feel it… Time seems like it is getting faster, every year. Extreme events are anyhing but commonplace now. What is ha ………..
(LETTER #109)
Immersive Playlist
Dark night of the soul
The videos. Miracles. Believe. The movies
The most precious. Gift
Everything is never enough.
The feeling I feel when I am writing this is captured is the last video. This is something I pulled out from so deep inside I KNOW IT WILL BE MY VERY LAST THOUGHT. THIS MEMORY. Our incredible journey.
Baby, things really do go full circle. I had a great time making these videos. They help me express where words fall short. (Think of my Chinese!;-) These songs, these scenes from our favorite movies, your photos spell for me something real that I can hold in my hands (well, my computer hard drive to be exact). Every time I re-watch them, the same feeling arises. It feels so rich you can never mistake it for any other thing. It’s that feeling of love and everything will be alright. It is the most precious thing I know to give you.
Baby, let me tell you something pretty cool. These videos, crazily enough, are like the green feed on the computer screens in Matrix. They reveal hidden messages. We will have a sit-down one night and I tell you all the synchronicities along the way; but If you wish, even right this moment, you can find them pop up in the videos. These mini miracles are truly delightful. Baby, trust me some of these I can’t do it even if I tried. Many I discover after random editing. By random I mean the odds for these little incredible matchup of coincidences are truly astronomical. My personal favorite is one with the birds.. Notice the one on your ear as if trinkling like a star? Looks clever, doesn’t it? Baby, I wish I can tell you I was clever enough to play that little magic trick for you. The odds of this happening is definitely not random. (Their speed, direction, orientation - the rate of change in relation to each other in a system with multi-vector variables (to put some big words out for adding weight to this thought!) must be JUST right) The mathematical odds for them to happen in a series like this are next to impossible. Maybe the professionals can do it but for me, it is purely serendipitous and accidental.
Baby, you see? A path is being revealed to us. Where it leads I don’t know exactly but the resonance we pick up along the way feels true. When I was making the video edits, I see these mini synchronicities reveal themselves in the craziest and most delightful places. Some of this magic is captured on these videos, and they are shown to all who can see to see. Just like in the movie, some other reality is playing out on the Matrix green codes.
You know when the small ones are happening in rapidity, the big one is not far behind. I wonder myself where this resonance leads. This feeling has a power to erase the illusion of fear. It draws me to it because it reassures with an unchanging promise. Home is where it lies and you are always welcome. A huge synchronicity happened last week when we had that talk. It is the sort of thing that fuels me, in that instant of superconductive connection, the rush of pure energy is immense. It feels like a bright light flashes on in a dark room; even when it goes on a mental map of the room is already in your mind. This feeling is very special.
The surprising thing that I discover is no matter how many times this perfectionist husband of yours re-watch during the edit; this feeling of the miraculous is present. No more from time; nor less from familiarity; this feeling is pristine and unchanging. It feels to me more real than anything material or ethereal. The confidence of this belief infuses my entire being. I find myself at peace in my mind, body and my spirit quiets. In this silence, I hold this invincible light.
Baby, the twin flame journey is not easy. You know just as well as I that only by charging through obstacles armed with no more than this belief. This ultimate belief is that superglue over spacetime in quantum entanglement. The resonance is so pervasive and far-reaching that only a flicker will make a beacon.
If there has been something to be thankful for in these crazy times, I suppose it is that force that pushed me to do it out of a love so vast that its depth keeps surprising me. The end of the world as we know it is playing out in front of our eyes; but we are blessed to see the miraculous behind the veil. Side by side we march forth into the night armed with this invincible light. On a rollercoaster ride, the best part is neither going up or down, when your feet are back on the ground, the best feeling comes from having just done something crazy TOGETHER. The best part is not the wind in hair but feeling that grip in your hand when things get exciting. That feeling speaks to the heart and binds them in a resonance. The purer the resonance, the less impedance and loss. Conversely, the purer the receiver, the less impedance occurs to obscure the resonant frequency. We are becoming superconductors. When our belief transcends illusions and holds fast to what’s true, we will always find ourselves back in each other’s arms.
We have had some experience with dark nights of the soul. The vast darkness encroaches like a thick-clouded storm. The unease can be visceral. There are times when we were pushed to the edge and much could change on a dime. Baby, you and I have been blessed with the fire of trial that we know our bond is unbreakable. This is truly the silver-lining in storms. When the going gets tough, the tough keeps going. The bond triumphs. The connection is everything. This feeling we have for each other is what brings us home every night. Baby, know that this feeling between us is our own and nothing can take it away. A saying I had once thought were mere words suddenly springs to mind: For better or for worse; to love and to cherish…
Baby, the twin flame journey is not always smooth sailing. It can be very rough. And only with stretching open the heart could we have overcome some of the difficulties. By hook or by crook your coming into my life lets me see something I know to be Truth. I know because I feel it; I feel its radiance and lightness. It’s a feeling you would not mistake. Your body and mind sync up and turn into a superconductor. Resonance frequencies in Life and Consciousness itself flows through like a warm bath. Your mind may lie but your body does not. It feels so relaxed into the present it feels the glory of being alive to any of its possibilities. I am sure you have felt that in ASM.
This is the strength our work builds up………
I have told you in the beginning of the letter this is the hardest letter I have ever written. And now comes the hard part.
Baby, I want to introduce you to 3 incredible women. We have heard enough from men and let’s listen to what they have to say. Listen for that resonance. Hear the truths in their words from years’ of dedicated work in the area of putting things into the bigger picture. They each talk about pieces of the puzzle most important to humanity at this very time. The coming decade will see the world as we know it go “tipsy turvy” - ironically, not unlike a rollercoaster ride. We just had a taste in 2020. While the topics they cover may be uncomfortable, the strength of their courage, the sense of faith from their dedication and belief feel like jet fuel to the soul. It feels good listening to them because your ears can pick up on their superconductor resonance. They are doing what they are doing purely from the big love we all have for humanity. To me, they lead the way for us to “find ourselves” and rediscover the powers that come with this strength capable of transcendent breakthroughs. It is no secret humanity is in the throes of its own ego, we are weak to break out of ourselves. What better way to do it when it is for someone you love more than yourself. This is both the gift and the curse for twinflames.
Gift or curse, I now realize is not the point. The point is in something higher we can only reach only if we let go of everything. Everything in the material world will be dead weight in the realm of souls. Baby, it will come time when even my face will become faded. Don’t worry. My face is not what you must hang on to. Like you said when we had the SSS, hang onto this love that makes you become a better person. This something is inside you. This frequency is a part of you and will never be lost. It cuts through time and space. Hang onto that and we will surely find our way back into each other’s arm. Because I have that same thing.
Baby, I haven’t told you how big that synchronicity is to me. What you utter that day echoes that singular message I have for you. All that is meaningful in life I find in love. With the intense energies between two bodies so close to each other …….. At the end of the day, the party, the letters and most things that I do revolves around strengthening myself on this point.
(I want to have a word about these videos. Baby, the feelings I get when I watch them are rich. My heart races, my mind is empty of anything else. I am completely absorbed in the images, music, the incredible (not bad at all;-) story told by our photos; the lyrics speak a mysterious language that moves my heart. It literally races. From being fully immersed in this feeling.
Baby, we always finish each other’s sentences and sometimes even unspoken thought. So I know you get how this feels. This feeling is strong. You know it’s strong enough not only for the heaven; it will go through hell with you and come back unshaken. This feeling is bittersweet. The cliche is right. Life is like dark chocolate. It’s not for the uninitiated palate. On the path of the eternal, gateways for believers are guarded by the fires of initiation. In the end, they open our eyes, and our palate for richer tastes. Somehow, I imagine this is what compassion feels like. Dark, dark chocolate.
It’s rich; it’s mixed. After the nth time I have watched this, my eyes are still eager to hunt for those delightful mini miracles. Baby, it’s incredible. As I was making these videos, it really felt like a path is being laid out for me to move forward. The feeling this realisation brings is so full there is no place for shadows. All the usual favorite demons come to the light and reveal their true nature. They are nothing more than shadows. The nice things about this feeling is its long aftertaste. The seeing of miracles brings with it a shift of mind. The expanded mind sees and tastes things differently. Exquisite details appear to the enhanced senses. Tastes so fine we missed before is now deeply appreciated as each discovery implies a promise of a bigger world. A bigger consciousness. This might be the transcendent feeling of overcoming duality - albeit a tiny taste at a time. What makes this nice is this lightness of heart is a permanent upgrade. Once seen, you cannot unsee. Once imprinted, this feeling may get buried but it will never be lost.
I cannot think of anything more real and more precious I have for you. Baby, it reaches deep inside of me and each time I watch especially this one (Everything), I am moved to the core. This one fully captures the feeling I have for you, what my mind’s eye sees when I think of you. I know my last thought in this world will be exactly this. Baby, this video for me vanquishes my deepest fear. This feeling is so strong, so resistant to loss that it feels the same way every time. It is literally as good as gold. (And I have watched it nth times!).
This aftertaste lingers.
When we pass through gateways, we are tested for one thing and one thing only. With a bit of irony, what we are tested for gets to also be the power we have for ourselves. When you see it this way, life is no more than an opportunity to re-programme ourselves. Coming in we are at the whims of frequencies acquired under the circumstances of birth; but going out we have a say. Last thought in will be the first one out. The memory, the belief strongest inside of us is our ticket to the next adventure. Baby, you just had a glimpse of my mind in the last 3 mins (11mins 11secs to be exact ;-) I know the light will always show the path back to you.
This is the hardest letter I have had to write..
Call to Action
Conspiracy Theory of Everything
Dark night of the soul
Trust the connection not because of just “me”. The comfort of total faith comes from you yourself and knowing this is the feeling you seek. The feeling someone would move the world for you. Know the feeling you yourself will also do it because “love” is supposed to feel like this. Or else, it won’t be love. Baby, this alone, this feeling is the key to our finding home. No matter where the wind take us.
The dark night of the soul is hard enough. We will collectively go through this.
You hit me on the head with your brilliant answer to my struggle. Love between people is wonderful but You talked about life itself being a love story and in Life’s love story its destination always leads to truth. Between two souls’ journey, the ultimate romance is to truly find truth together against all odds.
No matter how difficult things get; it will be there to show us love will ultimately takes in all. And conquer the greatest of odds.
I much appreciate this message of yours. And putting it all into perspective in a time where there is so much confusion.
Dark night of the soul.
Remember what’s real and let it fill you up. Fear will have no place.
Don’t hang onto anything, not even my face because you cannot. Hang onto what’s in your heart. This is our frequency and by it we will find each other again.
#109) See you in the morning
- quantum leap. Let go. Open up.
- Night fall. Disclosure. Dawn. Roxy music
- Believe. The feeling. Beyond the 5 senses
Quantum Leap
Let go and open up our awareness.
Goldfrapp music is very rich. The images of movies. There are many delightful moments. Nice synchronicities. And then I realize these have always been there. I just didn’t see them. Expanding my awareness to see them.
Don’t know if this is the 109th letter or 1st letter of the next chapter. Next “book” really as this story is coming to an end.
You remember how Gregg talks about the world being a simulation? All of this is really just a game. There are 2 of us out there
Truth vs Shadow
Freedom vs Lies
Life vs Extinction
Nightfall is looming.
The dark night of the soul is hard enough. We will collectively go through this.
All Night Long rundown meaning
You hit me on the head with your brilliant answer to my struggle. Love between people is wonderful but You talked about life itself being a love story and in Life’s love story its destination always leads to truth. Between two souls’ journey, the ultimate romance is to truly find truth together against all odds.
No matter how difficult things get; it will be there to show us love will ultimately takes in all. And conquer the greatest of odds.
I much appreciate this message of yours. And putting it all into perspective in a time where there is so much confusion.
Dark night of the soul.
Remember what’s real and let it fill you up. Fear will have no place.
Don’t hang onto anything, not even my face because you cannot. Hang onto what’s in your heart. This is our frequency and by it we will find each other again.