Dr. Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) captured water’s ‘expressions’ through a high-speed photography technique using very powerful microscope in a cold room to photograph newly formed crystals of frozen water samples. He discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.
What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the study of water is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. The implications of his research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.
Dr. Emoto is succeeded by son Hiro who continues this ground-breaking work. GEO.ORIGIN is proud to work closely with the Emotos and produce the beautiful hado crystal photographed (above) on 2019/12/18 in the shape of Flower of Life.
The party gift you bring home is our hologram imprinted with this very energy.